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This is MY BLOG.
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Singapore Polytechnic
Dip in Visual Communication & Media Design
underline , italic , bold

xen vps canada | diseño trípticos

gold for choir syf 2011
new handphone
do well for o'levels
travel around
change my specs
slim down:/
things to turn for the better
piglet soft toy
to do well for my poly
more pretty clothes,shoes,bags and accessories



FONTS. swimchick
IMAGE. as credited.
CODES. shotgun
DESIGNER. sheryl

Monday, March 04, 2013

Hey, Hi guys.

This post is not exactly a blog post but just a post to inform you guys that I have decided to stop blogging here.

Well, no it doesn't mean I am going to stop blogging altogether, it just means that I have a new blog! 

I needed a new start and all, that's why. Whoever that is interested to continue reading my blog can go to the new blog and read and all yeah. 

The new blog will be different because it won't have a chat box hahaha. Realized many spams from i don't know who on the chat box and therefore decided to remove it. Never really used it anyway. Any questions/comments or whatever, just tweet/dm, or just text me straightaway uh. Isn't it like better. LOL. 

Mmmkay thats all people! See you on my new blog if there's even anyone reading uptill now. hahaha. (:

New blog link : cher-querido.blogspot.sg

1:14:00 AM
Monday, January 07, 2013

Well, I know it's like late ah, but still, a big welcome to the year 2013, hope everyone has an awesome year ahead! Updates on my life, well, it's been really busy since school started. Like, heck, the first week just passed and I'm already losing sleep like mad. Imagine sleeping for less than 15hours in a whole week, madness right? Don't know how i survived the week.

Taking a step back to last year december, went for FOTW and loved it! Got to know many more people that I have not known before, or rather, talked to before. Really excited to be working with those people for FOC and FOP! :D 

Also, on the 4th of January (yeah, the friday that just passed), I went for PRSS Choir Alumni gathering at Mdm Yue's condo! It was good meeting and catching up with those awesome people! They're just like a second family to me (: Again, got to talk to and know more of the alumni from previous batches. Really, we should have these kinds of gatherings more often :D

Yeah, I know my blog posts are really boring to read, I realized that too. That's probably because I always end up pushing everything into one blog post and by the time i find time to settle down to blog, I have already forgotten what I wanted to type/say/blog about. Pardon me for that, will try to blog as often as possible so that the blog posts don't end up this way all the time. (:

Gotta go chiong my work now, till then people! :D

4:17:00 PM
Sunday, December 23, 2012


Hello! :D Just came back from the ICE Camp 2012 and I really gotta say it was awesome! I have to admit, though in the beginning I thought I'd regret, but I'm happy and proud to say that I did not regret and in fact, enjoyed myself thoroughly! One of the best camps I've been to! 

Awkward in the beginning, but as we went through the 3D2N together, my group, Hulk, got closer and bonded with each other (: Each and every one of the hulkmaniacs are special and awesome! I really wanna thank all of you guys, especially our two very awesome GLs Syaif and Trixia, for making the camp so enjoyable! 

What is currently in my mind right now? 
"Feed Me More! Feed Me more!" 
"Feed Me More, Feed Feed me more, FEED - ME - MORE! HULK'S HUNGRY!" 
"Smash that, all on the floor. Smash that, gimme some more. Smash that, till you get sore. Smash that, oh woahh~" 
and all the special hulk cheers, claps and everything! Oh my. :D

Also running in my mind are all the crazy things we did and said, like replying "Strong man!" to every question the GPs asked during the wet game, calling ourselves a 69 year old Hulk Hosehbo taking a Diploma in Anger Management (DAM), all the bro-fisting, running in the rain looking like condoms, embarassing ourselves singing pearly shells not only at the fountain in Bugis, but also near the traffic junction outside the Cathay, singing to our beloved GLs and last but not least, all the blood, sweat and tears!

I'm really glad that I went, got into #teamHULK and met you guys! Awesome people!

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see,
I'll be the light to guide you

Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like 1 2 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it 
I can count on you like 4 3 2
And you'll be there
Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

ICE Camp 2012, a camp that I'll always remember. X

3:02:00 AM
Monday, December 10, 2012

I'm really glad that somebody actually thinks the same way as me. People nowadays are too materialistic, and everyone is so fucked up that I find it hard to trust anyone already. I thought that every one of you were the same and that I'm the only one who think how I think. But today, I found out that I'm not alone and there's still hope in this society. Thank god. (:
3:17:00 AM
Sunday, December 09, 2012

Hello everyone! (: First of all, I wanna say hello to december and please, be nice to me. Yeah I know, it's already been a week plus into december and I'm saying this now. HAHAHA. Well, I'm actually really busy so, it's been quite a while since i blogged. Well, that's because I've been mad busy! So many things have happened for the past few weeks yeah... Sad things like my beloved granny passing away, and also happy things like the fact that I've gotten a job! (Now I'm starting to wonder if it's a blessing or no, since i just got alot alot alot busier) 

Well, I'm like blogging at this godly timing and I have absolutely no idea why. HAHAHHA. Call me mad if you wish. :> Sigh, yeah, about being busy. You have no idea how crazy it is getting. I have like 7 submissions all during the first two weeks of school reopening (yeah, i know, what kind of holiday is this right.) and during the holidays, I am going for 2 camps (woohoo! I love going for camps and meeting new people and making new friends! So awesome!) With my job (which is compulsory for me since I am broke and apparently i spend a lot on food), I don't know how am I gonna cope with all these. Oh my. O: I definitely need more than 24 hours in a day!

I have no idea why this always happens when I start to blog. It's like, I thought I had many things to say or update on and started a blog post then as I type I realized it's actually very little, and I spend more time crapping about random stuff that don't even make sense anymore. It always happens omg! You see my blog posts are like 20% Important / Read-worthy stuff, and the rest are just rubbish that comes up as I type. >.> Oh well, will try to blog more often if I can. Sometimes it's like, you have something to blog about but no time, and when time passes you no longer feel the intensity of the feeling you felt when that something happened and thus decided not to blog about it instead and you'd wait for the next 'exciting' thing to blog about and the cycle repeats itself till you finally find time to blog but there's nothing much to blog about. Just so stupid how things are right. My gosh.
Shall end it here and rant on a rather sensitive topic tomorrow. See how. :\
3:18:00 AM
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tears, they're what comes out of our eyes when we feel sad, frustrated, at a loss, or sometimes, even when we are angry. As humans, we have feelings and sometimes, we just need to let it out, to break down and cry, and when that happens, most of us would need someone to be there for us. That person doesn't have to do anything, he or she just have to be there for you when you need him or her.

Two of you broke down today, and as your friend, it makes me feel really sad, and at a loss at the same time. I know I can't do much to help, but I promise I'll always be there for you when you need me, to listen to you rant, give you advice, help you in any way that is possible for me to help. It really hurts me to see you guys like this, so stay strong alright? No matter what happens you guys still have me. Yes, I know it's not the same, but better than nothing right?

And seeing you guys break down today, makes me feel that I have to be even stronger in order for me to be there for you. Therefore, I shall stay strong and never break down, then I will be able to be there for you guys, which is what I want to. 
10:17:00 PM