Saturday, April 30, 2011
i realized something today. i really love him. i mean like, well, a few times i've been a bitch and thought about breaking up with him due to some stuffs like my studies, how possessive he is of me, how easy he can get jealous, or even how insensitive he is sometimes... but after today, after what i heard, after how he told me he beat his brother up over me... i was really touched. i mean, its not everyday that you get a guy beat up someone else, even his own brother, for you right? really really touched. never felt so happy in my life, never felt so loved before. (well thats kinda like a lie) but really, i love him. (:
p.s its been really long since i last updated as i have not touched the com for more than a week already, mostly 'cause i study at the library till it closes at 9pm everyday for a week already, and 'cause my sister's like, hogging it all day long. ):
9:36:00 PM
Friday, April 22, 2011
fked up :\$BlogItemTitle$>
feel so annoyed now can!
havent finish my AS portfolio and its due on tuesday (lucky people who got the later dates-.-)
just dont understand why cant we have more time.
we aesthetics people just got relieved of the heavy load of SYF, we JUST had the extra time not long ago, and everything comes bombarding in.
those who aren't involved in the SYF have like ALOT more time to study/prepare for exams/do their coursework etc. what the hell lah.
they should try to understand how we feel. -.-
the general election caused my emaths paper1 to be brought forward to next friday omg. same day as ss paper. how to study?!?!
couldn't they have pushed back the papers instead of bringing forward?! D:
madness much. okay after having rant out my troubles i feel much better.
but still, no motivation to do my portfolio or study for midyear exams.
i feel like trying to go out to study, but apparently nobody will go out to study with me.
i shall not elaborate anymore, its annoying. -.-
forget it, i'll see what i can do.
6:10:00 PM
crosscountry, pizzahut and kbox!$BlogItemTitle$>
yeahh anyway.. went to pasir ris park for cross country yesterday hah... got VERY dirty omgg.
my shoe sank into the mud and it looked like im in CHOCOLATE WORLD lol!
after that went to clean shoe, accompany jiaying buy slippers and changed before going pizzahut to meet the people!
had a very nice lunch there hehehe! ( although the waiter like blurblur one, wrote alot of wrong orders and missed out orders)
then we decided to go ehub kbox and guess who we saw, SCY! LOL.
so bad lah he, nvr come for gathering go out with his friends..~.~
anyway we sang our hearts out there and choy went sot LOL. he was like screaming "what do you want from me" into the phone with the mic LOL. hilarious much.
after that had dessert with sinkin and went home ((:
was too tired to post immediately last night hahh (:
random pics that i took (not in order!) :

the signboard outside!

sinkin and me (:
sweetsweet iced lemon tea! :D
my pasta! :B cheesy much :\
pretty pretty bowls :B
hehehehe :D kay i shall end here nao! :D
5:06:00 PM
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
REVIVE OF BLOG! LOL.$BlogItemTitle$>
yeahh okaay,
as you can see, im obviously reviving my blog yeahh :P
dont know why suddenly got the urge to ^^~
will try to be as active as possible in updating my blog yeahh.
hmmkay short post..
tomorrow cross country luhhs.. plus lunch with the choir peeps ^^
looking forward to it though alot ppl cant make it ><''
hmm kay.. end here for now yeahh. <3
10:10:00 PM