Sunday, January 31, 2010
hmm.. today nothing much to write about lah..
hot day today lol..
went to grandmama house for dinner.. blabla ._.
idk.. LOL.
tomorrow school le sad..
and worst thing is idk how do the math homework T-T
okay neh mind..
sien.. not feeling too well..
big big headache + diarrhea twice omg D:
excited for the camp though :D
okay i go rest le tata~ :D
11:54:00 PM
Saturday, January 30, 2010
ohoh, sorry yesterday didnt post cause came home too late and fell asleep ><''
yesterday, 29january2010today was okay..
lessons were qute funny LOL.
during ss make up lesson keng yang kinda talked to me for the first time lol ._.
so weird lol.
anyway, he copied most of nicholas and my work ._. haha.
after school walked around the school with sinkin to find peifann and in the end,
we found out that she went home without us D:
after that went with sinkin around tampines1 and tampines mall and century square.
looked for slippers, shoes, track pants etc.
we then ate and slacked at food junction until my mom called lol.
then went to tampines1 and chanced upon liang wen yin's uhm.. 'qian chang hui' lol.
she so pretty in real O:
went to Isetan with sinkin and my parents.
after that sent sinkin home (:
really wanna apologise to her for keeping her outside till 10 o'clock D:
so late omgomg ><
hope she never get scolding hahh.
anyway gotta go tata~
today, 30january2010well.. today was kinda boring lah actually.
woke up at 9 in th morning, slacked awhile in bed, then woke up.
learned my chinese spelling then went off to tution at 1.30pm O:
got 100 for my spelling :3 yay me :D
after that went to bedok inter to buy shoe haha.
whatever.. today was really boring..
and i really agree with what my sis said..
quote " da jie, you're like deprived of friends recently " LOL.
i agree 100% ._.''
its like all my friends dont want me anymore ):
contact me peeps <3
8:24:00 PM
Thursday, January 28, 2010
hmm today was.. normal again lorhs..
just that nicholas found out my red day come ._.''
stupid siaa.
cause i didnt dare stand up cos of th feeling..
then he overheard what i said about not daring to stand up then he ask why.
i said "nothing.. "
then he ask " is it starting with M ? "
i was like wth ._.''
okay anyway, today was.. okay lah.
sectionals most of the time during choir.
and awws didnt get take train with cnbo today ._.''
going to find pants for camp le lah :D
9:38:00 PM
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
hmm.. short post today lahs.. (:
school was okay..
laughed alot today hahah :D
lessons were.. fun?
after school did homework with sinkin and peifann LOL.
laugh so much hahahh.
peifann went shy when i told her my sis is kinda crazy over her hahaha so cute :D
okay.. nothing much to talk about neh..
whatever i wished for came true O: -secret-
okay tata~
9:53:00 PM
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
first of all, grats to nicky for being attached .. again? O:
or should i say, finally?
and sorry for not posting yesterday..
was really tired that i was very lazy to on the com.
Monday, 25january2010mr leong let us touch the lightning thingy as a whole class omgosh :D
the whole class felt it lor!
its like in the veins or something idk.
mr chai talked about sec3 camp, went through the camp list and made everyone laugh. lol.
after choir took train with ryan then talked about uhm, random stuffs?
LOL. anyway quite paiseh lah cause idk what to talk about,
he's like the one starting the convo ._.
cool huh.
anyway, blabla day.. i forgot what else happened..
slept very early..
Today, 26january2010well today..
woke up feeling far worse...
anyway.. today quite slack.. but very very sleepy the whole day..
cause i felt very very weak the whole day.. haix..
anyway.. accidentally broke nicholas' ruler while playing around with him.
ah well, he seems quite pissed off with me -.- so scary.
he even demanded that i pay him 50cents ._.
omgosh D: so scary.
AS lesson was fun omg :D
another sorta.. practical today (:
used c4d software to make stuffs like a bench, a flower, etc :D
after that came back home and now im blogging..
anyway gotta go.. not feeling too well..
9:40:00 PM
Sunday, January 24, 2010
hmm.. today's another boring day..
woke up feeling worse at the throat -.-''
anyway, played psp..
then at night went to grandmama's house for dinner then came home and had a wonderful idea for the class decoration for the big board at the back of the class (:
don't know if it will be accepted or not.. but im going to try it anyway.
who cares =.=
printer not installed yet.. feel so sien ..
okay lah watch charity show already.. cya..
10:35:00 PM
Saturday, January 23, 2010
hmm.. today woke up feeling alot more worse than yesterday -.-
felt so warm so took temperature and wasn't having a fever..
anyway, blablabla,
went for tuition and after that came back home..
lay down on the sofa and watched tv until now..
nothing much to blog about luhhh.. cause today very boring..
had a very big headache the whole day -.-''
well.. will post tomorrow, hope it'll be more interesting than this post -.-''
9:13:00 PM
Friday, January 22, 2010
today was.. normal luhs.
sore throat , keep coughing today..
wow.. its like a flu is spreading among our class -.- today 6 absentees ._.''
during physics was fun omg :D
mr john leong let us see the lightning thingy and i touched it LOL.
left a numb numb sensation hahaha.
syafiq(i think), ziming, martin and xin zhi held hands and touch the thing LOL.
looks painful >.>
martin said his hand no feeling -_-''
anyway, mr leong said next physics lesson is hold class hold hands and try LOL omg lah !
so looking forward to it :3
anyway, after recess came up then saw a huge lizard stuck on the ceiling on a scotchtape infront of our front door. omg -.-''
everyone was staring at it until mdm sumrah came lol.
xinzhi went to use the dustpan to hit it and the body dropped on the floor
and the tail was left wriggling on the ceiling ._.
he scratched off the tail and threw everything in the dustbin outside lol.
what a way to start maths lesson hahaha.
after school called nick and got freaking angry ._.''
he was queueing up and doing his i/c -.-''
talked to yawen today.. in the library..
ah well, i miss the old times when we were in primary school and sec1/sec2 beginning and we were still the best of friends.. D:
anyway, went to nick's house after that, LOL.
nick looked fat in his uniform ._.''
i mean, PE attire. LOL.
anyway, they were playing at the playground and someone (idk who) came to nag awhile about us being old and the playground for the small kids and what environment thingy lah.
sorta pissed everyone off.
chris asked me to go pei him go minitoons but i rejected him cause i really tired plus i already sick leh, what else he want sia. -.-
anyway, reached home, blabla, ate medicine (with a sweet after that) and now im feeling really sleepy already.. cya all~
10:31:00 PM
Thursday, January 21, 2010
yo all..
not feeling too well today..
this morning totally had no voice at all -.-''
school was fun today..
mrs sum gave us something to do..
and that is get ready a skit by tomorrow omg ._.
we dont even have time to run through the thing or whatever D:
hope it goes well and i dont flunk this thing cause i happen to be the script writer ._.''
anyway, after school called nick cause i remembered him saying he's taking me out for lunch at 2+ before sending me back to school at 4..
he picked up after my spam calling and talked with a very fierce voice like he's irritated,
that he's ending at 4 and coming at 6+...
i was like... super angry at him -.-''
anyway, had lunch and soohwa and sinkin.. then went up to choir room at 3.30 lol.
waited till the door was open before going inside..
choir was funny LOL.
mr toh was like saying " i just remembered something.... desmond are you alright?" or something like that.
the funny thing is desmond wasn't there at all ._. he laughed and said its so embarrassing LOL.
he gave us voice class today..
told me that i need to breathe deeper so that i can last longer ( energetically )
and told me that i have to keep my tongue flat or i'll block my voice ._.
its kind of hard 'cause im used to rolling up my tongue halfway when im singing -.-
oh my tian.. i think i have to start forcing my tongue down LOL.
anyway, im off to continue doing the script already, cya people :D
9:38:00 PM
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
today was.. hmm okay lahs..
lessons were.... okay...
had a 15 min recess today ._.
cause after maths we got our retro spec and everyone kinda, forgot about physics ._.
late for 10mins :\
blabla.. tio caught by mr ow during social studies for smsing :\
well anyway, thanks to boon hoe for asking if im alright, i am. (:
then uh, after school went to do 1hour detention before going to TM to buy correction tape refill.
went back home after that and tadaaaaa, here i am.. LOL
tomorrow got choir so i shall not blog for too long and go back to the living room to play psp (:
my dad loves to hog my psp so i shall play when i can hahaha.
tata ~ <3
8:34:00 PM
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
woke up with an even more terrible sore throat this morning.
voice completely gone.. or rather, nt so exaggerated lah.
its like dam soft lah can.
i was practically shouting as loud as i can but nick couldnt hear me over the phone -_-
so dumb.
chem lesson today was kinda paiseh for me.
was talking with xinzhi,nicholas and yi min i think,
then she called my name and ask how long i take to bathe -_-
scare me sia i tot what D:
blurr-ed out for a moment while ppl stared at me D:
as was okay.. except for maybe the theory part i almost slept. too tired ><
then practical was fun (:
roughly can rmb cos we had th workshop alr haha.
then watch 'the tale of despereux' (idk how spell)
gahh. dad hogging my psp again..
seriously its not me getting obsessed with it, its my dad -_____-
he's forever playing.
anyway, gotta go tata~
10:22:00 PM
Monday, January 18, 2010
woke up with a "smexy" low voice today lol O:
school was hmm.. okay lahs.
'glad' to announce that im no longer related to class-tee stuffs ._.''
ah well...看看馬來人會不會比我做得更好吧!
haha (:
during recess i ate a plate of extremely spicy kway teow ._.'' omg lah.
hurt my throat like crazy.
then... lunch was.. normal?
then hmm.. choir was.. okay...
quite fun luh.. was talking and talking throughout :x
so xin ku sia.... my throat.. -___-
tomorrow's soo hwa's birthday :DD (random)
anyway.. after choir talked on phone with nick..
quarrelled with him and said something wrong..
something that made him very angry..
haix.. so regret but what can i do.. he's not gonna forgive me this time round..
i've gone too far already this time..
all i can say is.. im sorry nick...
haix ._.''
feel really guilty.. regret.. ):
10:05:00 PM
Sunday, January 17, 2010
hmm, woke up, had breakfast,
and was slacking+doing homework when nick asked me to go his house suddenly ._.
so went there with my siblings.
did our homework there luhh.
his sis was kinda irritating, kept asking my sis to play with her when she hasn't finished her homework.
its like.. wth -_-
then before going downstairs for dinner,
she was like 'you see, so messy.'
i wanted to reply 'you see, so bossy.' -.-''
anyway, had dinner with nick and th others
then went back to his house for awhile before leaving his house at 8pm.
waited for th bus for like 15-20 minutes -____-
reached home 3 minutes after 9 lol :x
then came home, talk to nick on fone luhs.
he added his classmate in th convo and his classmate actually forgot his name LOL.
he was like " ei whats your name ah, oh ya, nicholas. "
-___- funny larhs.
laughing like mad. LOLOL-ed.
hmm.. idk what else to post about lol.
silas didn't message/call me today._.
ah well anyway, th class tee i have th image in my mind but idk how to.. uhm..
draw it out -___- its easier to say than draw. D:
hope huda, sabina and nurin understands what im saying LOL.
did birthday card for soo hwa just now haha.. half completed though.. ):
cause its late alr and i dont really have th energy to go find th markers..
im like.. falling sick already..
sore throat.. i even sound different -.-''
hope will feel better tomorrow..
having a big big headache nao.. ):
okay gotta go tata~
11:11:00 PM
Saturday, January 16, 2010
short post luh,
nothing much to post about today..
woke up at 9am+ then slack slack play play until its time for tuition.
tuition was.. hmm,
how should i say, great! :D
went to grandmama house for dinner O:
some relative brought chicken from overseas -____-
it had HAIR on th skin wth ._.
played on my psp until 'tao hua xiao mei' start showing..
watched till 10pm then ran back home to continue hahah.
nice ending (:
then blabla, now im here blogging luh.
nothing much to talk about..
will post tml (:
hope got something to talk about luhhh (:
11:47:00 PM
Friday, January 15, 2010
omg lah. today was.. hmm, okay lah.
just that the teachers seem to be in bad mood today ._.
they weren't joking or anything.
just teaching and teaching -____-''
almost fell asleep during english lesson lol :x
chinese laughed alot alot LOL.
ru hui and janice made me and geraldine laugh like crazy hahaha :D
after school stayed back to decorate the classroom (:
skipped lunch D:
sabina, insyira, sin kin and me were very hungry while decorating lol :\
anyway, we decorated until like 5pm where we had to get our butts outta th school O:
spent so much time but only managed to finish front boards -_-
so slow seh :X but mostly cos we couldn't successfully staple th stuffs lol-ed:\
until i found th problem hahaha (:
its like, you have to hit it exactly straight -_- or it'll slide.
staple until hand pain D:
after decorating, sinkin and i went to tampines mall mos burger to have our lunch-cum-dinner ._.
sis joined us at around 6pm+ lol.
did our math homework and talked for quite awhile there :P
until a guy came and stood there , waiting for our table -____-
felt so paiseh so i faster packed up and ask sinkin and my sis to go :\
talked and came back home after that.
silas tricked mehh. he told me he was getting married 2 years from now ._.
then told me that he was joking (idk about which one though.. ) ._.
okay dont say alr -___-''
by th way, here are some pics of th class deco i took pic of :\ not really completed yet.
th left side of th classroom.. like you know, nearer to teacher's table .. more inside part.

th right side of th classroom.. the one near the door (:

hahaha, only these two as the big board behind isnt done.. yet-.-
i wanna ask mr hoo if theres any chinese new year thingy.
if not, im so gonna go according to my plan. :3
okay gotta go now~!
10:02:00 PM
Thursday, January 14, 2010
today was normal luhs ._.
silas finally message-d me after so long (:
school was okay..
PE was kinda.. okay..
took our height and weight.. I'VE GROWN ._.
then ran 3 rounds around the school before playing..
uh whatever is that.. i think its called floorball ._.
and lessons were very funny hahaha (:
after school had lunch with sinkin, soohwa they all .
then ran up the class to open the door for insyira and sabina ,
and we got to work to decorating the classroom(:
ruhui and alfi came to help too!
big thankyou(:
left halfway to go for choir practice ><
wonder how is the decoration going o:
anyway, some sec1 guys came to choir practice today haha.
so cute and chubby O:
after that teased th zhuzhu LOL.
came back home after that..
flared up at nick again D:
feel so bad..
he isn't picking up my calls.. ):
wonder if he's angry with me.. sobx.
so sorry..
okay.. gotta go tata~
10:14:00 PM
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
yo all!
this is gonna be a short post also hahahhs (:
lessons were.. oh..okay..
but very boring till me and a few others almost fell asleep ._.
something funny happened in class hahhh.
was listening to teacher halfway when yi min asked me for tissue.
gave to her but saw her pointing at nicholas and laughing like mad O:
so asked what happened lah.
then nicholas told me he sat on his set square and poked his butt ._.
and it bled. -.-''
th pants also can see got abit blood.
xin zhi found out and passed on to jia chin which in turn pass th news to wei jian ._.
funny luh.
anyway, hope the class can bond more (:
too shy le 3e4 ><
started detention at 3.15,
supposed to end at 5.15 but she let us off at 5pm :D
went to buy file,
and had dinner with sin kin at tampines mall .
came back home after that, blabla,
and here i am now, typing this post out (:
okay i shall stop here now haha .
nothing else to type alr ><
9:33:00 PM
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
quick post here.
gotta go soon D:
well, th day went past rather nicely (:
and i got the birthday list finally hohoho <3
anyway really wish that we'll have a class tee asap ._.
must start designing alr, in case.
woo anyway, today AS period was okay luhh. veh cold though D:
went to walk around to find a nice pen to use after that -__-
tomorrow's wednesday..
happy and sad about it..
school start late tomorrow
got 2hour detention from sumo ._.
ohmytian lah.
okay gotta go~ :3
10:54:00 PM
Monday, January 11, 2010
first of all...WISH YAWEN A HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY!! MAY ALL YOUR WISHES COME TRUE (:okay,lets talk about today :Dtoday was quite okay hahahhs :Dwent to open door for class (first time in my life) O:(yeah yeah i know im like, not good for anything luh-.-)but anyway, chinese lesson dunno why mr hoo wasn't there, then our supposedly independent study 3period became another 3d animation class hahah. (:so cold in th room D:then blah the day goes by, quite okay lahhs (:after that was abit late for choir cause was studying and doing homework until forgot time -__-then check watch then OMG 4pm alr ._.choir was funny hahahahh. had some new sec2s(i think) today in choir O:3 new scores :Dlibertango,our school song, and one more i forgot whats that :\th zhuzhu was "oink-ing" to libertango LOL.vehveh funny heheh :Dafter that bestie came to pick me up.sinkin,peifann,bestie and i went to tampines mall to walk around to shop for present for yawen but couldnt find a suitable one. decided to make a card, and share present with yiling and amanda (:okay gotta go do POA homework alr! left one question :3tata~
9:21:00 PM
Sunday, January 10, 2010
sorry didn't post yesterday ><
yesterday was okay..
spent the whole day playing psp hohoho ><
today.. went to nick's house, played hide and seek at the neighbouring blocks and stuffs.
hahaha :D
quite fun luhh =D
before going home even stole some mouthfuls of beehoon from nicky :P
bwahahahaha :D
evil me :X
okay tomorrow got school i better go now~
11:40:00 PM
Friday, January 08, 2010
yawning like an idiot right now ._.
so tired. D:
gave piggy the flyers this morning (:
hope he liked them O:
anyway, english lessons today was chaotic O:
everyone going everywhere to get their set of notes LOL. chaos mann.
physics was fun! we got to choose our own seat hahahah :D
she lied to us ):
i thought she said no homework for emaths this weekend but in the end she still gave us homework D:
ah well...
then chinese lesson was oh-kay lah.
teacher talk alot then gave us a sudden spelling omg ._.
failed badly ><
after that went to change with sinkin they all, then went to have lunch, and then choir (:
choir cca bazaar was fun (:
then after that nick's 'very nice neighbour', naz, came with his group luhh.
was very very dumb he joked stupid-ly.
told his friends i was his gf or sth.
then still got what, he knelt down and 'proposed' -.-''
how dumb lol. so retarded ._.
walked out of school and saw nick and ben lol.
then walked abit more and saw bestie (:
went with nick to meet up with his mom, sis, and grandma too (:
ate at seoul garden with them (:
fun hahahaha :P
learned that nick and nicole are good cooks :D
then walked around for awhile, got into the car and nick's mom drove me home.
got lost in my own area ><
finally went home with nick carrying my books and sending me to my doorstep O:
hehh. thanks nick :D
ah well, i'll end my post here now~ (:
p.s really a big big THANK YOU to nick, nicole, his mom and his grandma for a wonderful dinner today :D
11:23:00 PM
Thursday, January 07, 2010
today woke up "late" :P
woke up at 6.25am hehehehe :D
went to school, in classroom today..
lessons were okay-okay.. kinda boring..
PE was stupid -.-
we had to run then when teacher whistle we have to touch the ground with specific hands LOL.
its funny cos everyone bend down together hahh :D
then blabla, the day goes on stupidly..
then after school went slack around until 4 then went for choir.
after choir stayed back to help sharon do the thing as yawen had to go tuition or something.
well, quite a nice day today (:
will blog again tml tata~
9:56:00 PM
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
nice day today ._.
went to school too early today cause firstly my sis woke me up at 5.50am,
then i reached school at 6.50am.
and i also forgot that today was wednesday and school start at 8.30am -.-
no wonder it was so empty at 6.50am.
had lessons, recess, lessons again.
missed 2/3 of my geography lesson today due to sec1 orientation performance lawl.
performance went well i guess, the sec1s seem to like it.
saw some sec1s singing along too hahaha.
have to stay back for choir tml O:
about cca bazaar de stuffs hah (:
hope it all goes well tomorrow :D
so far so good, school's nice (:
hope can bond the class hahaha, everyone is like so shy and quiet.
okay im off now~ tata~ <3
9:06:00 PM
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
i hate her lah can!
this morning tio caught for fringe..-.-
i did pin it up only got one small bunch that could not be pinned up cause its too short.
then she catch me -.-
ezlink card tio confiscated.
had to pin up the whole bunch of hair.
went to higher chinese class 45 mins late.
like wth is this.
she think not her lesson she can waste the time away?
walao ehh.
anyway, the day went by quite nicely except for the morning portion where i tio caught (:
teachers were really funny haha.
like for example mrs sum and mr john leong hahhs :D
they're like, hilarious.
making the whole class laugh lolol :x
then at 12.45 went for digital animation class (:
was quite nice as its in an air con room :P
but today only self intro for the teachers, talk about digital animation stuffs and first chapter.
hope it'll be nicer as time goes by :D
sad thing is every tuesday will end at 5pm or 5.30pm ):
its okay! jiayou for myself! :D
today ended at like 4pm ._.
went to get my ezlink card from her and went back home.
tomorrow got POA the book so heavy omg D:
theres also the performance for sec1 orientation.
hope it all goes well and we dont flunk the performance :X
dont know how to tell teacher that we have to leave early tomorrow.. -.-
anyway, gotta go now~ tatas~
will post tomorrow :3
7:37:00 PM
Monday, January 04, 2010
first day of school!went to school super early today, not even 7am yet -.-walked around and saw people from my batch wearing long pants ._.they look weird, like grew very tall all of the sudden.LOLsaw a 'ang moh' hah,a transfer student and pf went kinda crazy over him LOL.sat in the hall,blablabla,went back to classroom,then started to like, do admin stuffs.the guy sitting beside me is kinda weird -_-recess was oh-kay like usual,after recess was social studies lol. learnt about whatever format stuffs lah.then was ace where we introduced ourselves one by one ._.ended school at 1.55pmwent to eat mac for lunch =Dhad a extra value lunch set - double cheese burger hehehe:Dwalked back to school after that for choir (:choir was quite okay today hahh.was talking with pf, shimin and th pig before it 'officially' started.then went to put bag when shimin said sth about me and th pig being potential lovers/couples or something like that .rwars !choir went well, had a mic test in th hall hahah.then slowly walked back and reached home very late,too late to go for tuition so i kinda,excused myself for today.soooooo busy D:tomorrow theres like, both sciences, maths, english and digital animation.its crazy O: digital animation is like, 5 periods ? from 12.45 - 3.30 omg.epic O:okay tata~ gotta go nao =Dhope it'll be better tomorrow (:
9:18:00 PM
Sunday, January 03, 2010
woke up today..
played farmerms with nick all the way until now and had loads of server checks -_-
well, tomorrow starting school le, got choir practice summore ._.
i hope tomorrow will have something nice to blog about ..
instead of like these few days so boring nothing to do also.. -_-
okay.. i'll end the post here.. tatas:3
9:50:00 PM
Saturday, January 02, 2010
had a boring day today..
woke up, chatted with mom for awhile and she asked me to go visit my grandma before she went out.
played com + psp until around 3+ then went to grandma house to visit her.
played psp there and went home at 6+.
came back, surfed the net awhile and went to watch
lay on bed for awhile and here i am, blogging about this boring day..
school's starting soon i hope it'll be fun and not so stressful ><
will blog tmr..
hope theres something nice to blog about tml lawls (:
11:40:00 PM
went out with nick to watch alvin and the chipmunks 2 hahah :D
hilarious and super duper ultra cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee<3
its like, aiya, veh cute lah >.>
came back home at 9+, watched tv and here i am posting this short lil update about the movie^^
okay i shall go msn alr, bai peeps :D
will update about tomorrow ^^~
12:23:00 AM
Friday, January 01, 2010
hey peepo :D
yesterday, 31december'o9
went for choir at 8.30.. was very nice except for the running part._.
when going home talked to ryan lawl o:
randomness hahahs O:
then waited for very very long for nick at tampines mrt station ._.
went to bedok inter there to cut hair lawls~ (no diff though)
went for a funny 2hour tuition with loads and loads of laughter hahahahah :X
came out of tuition centre to see nick,ben,my sis and bro there outside LOL. o:
found out that ben and nick fought while i was at tuition -.-
two total idiots, seriously.
waited for bestie (chris) and watched tv and stuffs luhhs.
and tadaaa! at 12am its 2010 and HAPPY NEW YEAR:3
today, 1january'10
woke up at 10.30am lawl.
found nick asleep beside me on teh floor ._.''
then uh, now im posting this luhhs :DD
going out with nick to watch alvin and the chipmunks 2 later o:
will update later at night if theres anything new :3
11:39:00 AM