Wednesday, December 30, 2009
finally back home :D
went out of house this morning at 10am and accompanied soo hwa to wait for the guys!
then, at like 10.30am we got tired of waiting so called shaowei,who told us that he took the wrong bus and will be there late.
so, we waited until around 11am before setting off for harbour front station from kembangan station!
at harbour front station, soo hwa had to pay extra $2 because she stayed in the mrt station too long!
i feel so bad.. sorry soo hwa ):
we then walked to vivo city, went up to the 3rd floor and took the sentosa express to the beach station!:D
then we waited for the tram and when it came and we got in, only mahathir got a seat so everyone practically gave everything to him haha:D
we got off at the beach station and took the tram to Palawan Beach.
upon reaching, we started to look for a shady spot to put shaowei's mat.
found a spot under a tree, put our belongings there, and we started to run around and play!
we found a nicely dug hole out of nowhere and buried mahathir inside haha :D
so cute! :3
after we dug him out, he jumped straight into the sea LOL:X
me and soohwa played with the sand, digging holes and even buying a drink just to get a cup to play with.
dropped $1 coin into the drain while searching for a 10cent coin to pay soohwa back D:
-sadness- >me and soohwa dug a big hole near the sea and there was water inside.
we kept bringing water from the sea to our hole, trying to increase the water level haha :D
the three guys, danial, mahathir and shaowei went to play soccer, IN THE SAND -.-
after quite awhile in the hot sun, i gave up and just went in the sea, and soohwa too gave up and sat on the sand. :X
played in the water until yawen, sabina, yiling, shermin and xin xiu came after their school activities :D
dragged yawen into the water haha! :P
went to find a huge huge handful of seaweed to disturb them and shermin and xinxiu screamed LOL ><
yiling kept running away from the bunch of seaweed haha:X
after playing for quite awhile, there was lightning alert suddenly and we went to bathe and clean up ourselves.
after that, they camwhored infront of "koufu" LOL.
we then walked back to the beach station and took the express thingy back to vivo.
had our dinner at a foodcourt.
and its like, out of 10 peepo, 8 of us ate chicken rice haha:D
after dinner, shermin,yawen,yiling and me went up to the top floor to take pictures haha:D
saw a fake man on a pole, it started swinging and i thought it was real! ><
omg lah so paiseh LOL. >took loads of pictures of that fake man LOL.
went back to b2 and went home after that and here i am now, posting this post :D
below are some pictures i took just now :D
mahathir looking very happy to hold our things :P

acting sad.. awwww :3

very cool eh?

shermin busy caring for her leg :3

very cool ~


CWC members :D chair and vice-chairs

act cool agen :x

my turn to act cool :X

sab, her collection of shades, and her models

my dinner! CHICKEN RICE :3

eating so unglam-ly

yiling with her professional look

read it :\

the actual thing O:



yiling,shermin and yawen.

okay, i shall end my very long post here~
will post about choir tomorrow :DD
gotta go baibai:3
9:37:00 PM
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
well.. gonna start over in this bloggie and forget about th other one :D
today went to choir at 10am.. enjoyed it alot (:
seniors came back hahas.
after that went down to canteen to buy my school books hahas.
ohmytian lahs its like $173 ._.
then got a call and sms from nick, asking me to watch Alvin and The Chipmunks 2,
asked my dad and he gave me a firm NO. -.-
went to sms my mom,
and she said to me " you just went out yesterday.. can dont go.. "
i told her there was absolutely nothing to do at home.
so she was saying to me " dont do things teenagers aren't supposed to do "
oh pls lah! she think i so stupid?
things that she will think about : smoking , having underage smex.
which are both things i hate alot.
like, seriously lah, she think i will do those things?
she said i was sitting too close with nick and ben, did i?
in the end, she asked me to ask nick his uncle's age and call her back.
i asked already, smsed her at 3pm+ and got a reply at 3.45pm which is too late.
the movie starts at 4.05 and i havent even bathed.
i seriously dont know what she's thinking lah can.
and i dont know if she'll even allow me to go for 2e7'o9 outing tomorrow at sentosa.
i hope she will, i really want to go D:
well, i'll end this post here and blog tomorrow or later(:
6:25:00 PM